Our publications and resources

Our publications and resources

We have a range of booklets, leaflets, newsletters and posters that you might find helpful.

Publications and resources

Below please find a range of materials – leaflets, posters, newsletters, etc. for you to read – and print if you wish.

Please note we also have a page with information booklets, and forms, for carers, in our ‘How we Help’ section.

Carer Booklets and Forms

For professionals we have some leaflets in stock to order, please email [email protected] to request copies, quoting the code number. We also have further resources for professionals, in our professionals’ section.

We’re grateful for the sharing of our materials, especially posters and leaflets in public settings (hospitals, libraries, schools, shopping centres etc.) so we can reach as many carers as possible and let them know about our support.

The materials are listed in sections, so please keep scrolling down to see the whole range currently available.


When you join Action for Carers, you'll be sent regular free newsletters. These have articles about caring, news, views, events and activities. We have one for adult carers and one for carers under 18. Click below to see our latest newsletters. We also mail regular email newsletters - including one for supporters interested in helping Action for Carers and the work we do.


Update - adult carers

AUDIENCE: adult carers. This features the latest carer news, updates on our groups and events, information on consultations, and more. To ensure you get your copy register with us!


Our life - young carers

AUDIENCE: carers aged 5-17. Has young carer news, views and updates. To ensure you get your copy register with us!


Our Core Leaflet describes all the support we offer to all carers (5-95), plus we have leaflets for under 18 year old carers, and specialist leaflets for armed services carers, and for our Moving and Handling service.


ACS Core Leaflet

AUDIENCE: carers. Our main leaflet outlines all the support we offer and how to get in touch. (Code ACS0010)

ACS Moving & Handling Service Leaflet

AUDIENCE: carers. Outlines the support from our specialist Moving and Handling Service. The service helps carers understand how to move and physically support their cared for safely, and use equipment well. (Code ACS0011)

ACS Hub Volunteers

AUDIENCE: Anyone who might be interested in volunteering for Action for Carers. This leaflet outlines the roles we have, particularly at our Carer Hubs across Surrey.

ACS Surrey Young Carers Leaflet

AUDIENCE: young carers aged under 18. This leaflet helps young people realise they are young carers, and outlines our support as well as other sources of help, such as their GP. (Code ACS0012)

ACS FR leaflet

ACS Fundraising leaflet

AUDIENCE: anyone who might like to support Action for Carers and help Surrey's unpaid family carers. Ways to help, ideas and info on what your support does.

ACS SYC Angel Award Leaflet

AUDIENCE: Staff working in Surrey's schools, and parents of young carers, to encourage schools to complete the Angel Award

ACS Hubs for Unpaid Carers

AUDIENCE: Carers. To let them know about our drop-in Hubs offering advice, information and support at locations across Surrey. (Code ACS0131)


Please feel free to print and share these posters wherever you think carers might see them. Thank you.

ACS SYC Young Carers 5-11 Poster

A poster for use in primary schools, youth clubs etc, outlining our support for young carers and inviting them to get in touch. This version is for children aged 5-11.


ACS SYC Young Carers 12-17 Poster

A poster for use in secondary schools, youth clubs etc, outlining our support for young carers and inviting them to get in touch. This version is for children aged 12-17.


ACS Moving & Handling Service Poster

Carers can damage their bodies, especially backs, when caring for someone physically. Our specialist Moving & Handling Advisors can help with training and equipment advice.


Here are some other materials you may find useful


Caring during Ramadan

The Muslim holy period of Ramadan can be especially hard for carers. This leaflet outlines some guidance and tips to help.


Young Carers Skills Journal

Produced by Carers Trust, this Journal is for young carers to help identify and record the many skills they will have developed in their caring role. From practical skills, to attributes like confidence, empathy and patience. You can use this record to explain your skills to future employers and for further education applications.

Carers planning booklet from Action for Carers

All About Us: Carers Planning Form

As a carer, it's a good idea to have a plan in place, should anything happen to you and you are unable to care for a while. This guide outlines all the points you should consider and enables you to write everything down in one helpful form. (Code ACS00023)

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