Statutory support in Surrey

Statutory support in Surrey

Support from Surrey County Council and the NHS in Surrey

Surrey County Council

Surrey County Council offer a wide range of support and information for carers. You’ll find all the main information and links on this page.

SCC support for carers

Connect to Support

Connect to Support Surrey is a comprehensive directory of care and support services in Surrey and includes: community groups. help at home. regulated care provider services.

Connect to Support

The Surrey Care Services Directory

The Surrey Care Services Directory is a comprehensive guide to the care and support available locally. It aims to provide support, information and guidance to individuals, caregivers and those in need of any related information about adult social care services in Surrey.


Surrey Care Services Directory

Surrey Care Services Directory


Surrey Heartlands provides NHS support to Surrey residents. You can read all about their support and strategy for Surrey’s carers on this page

Surrey Heartlands support for carers

Local Surrey support

Frimley: details of support for unpaid carers who live in Frimley, here

Frimley support

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