Anticipatory grief and understanding bereavement
Grief is expected when someone dies, but we can also feel that loss before the death of a loved one. Join us to get support and talk about this difficult situation, with the help of bereavement specialist, Ang Higgins.
Anticipatory grief
We can feel grief for the loss of a family member, even while we are still caring for them. Angela Higgins, Bereavement Co-ordinator at Bereavement Care, will help to explore how caring for someone with a long-term illness or with dementia can create conflicting feelings. This is a chance to talk about the fatigue carers can feel and the mental, emotional and social effects of grief, both in anticipation and after a bereavement.
Join Ang and ACS’s Laura Tufnail, to look at the impact this can have on you as a carer, and ways to make sure you are supported.
This will be a video meet up using Zoom and is open to all our registered carers although spaces are limited.
If you’ve not used Zoom before, we have a handy guide below which will talk you through it.
How to join us for this event…
If you’d like to join us, simply fill in the ‘I am interested in this event’ form below and we’ll come back to you as soon as we can – spaces are limited though and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.