Become an ACS Trustee | Action for Carers
Become an ACS trustee

Become an ACS trustee

We are a carer-led organisation, and most of our Board of Trustees are current or former carers. We seek new people to join this board to oversee the charity's strategic direction and activities.

Join our experienced Trustee Board

Action for Carers is led by an established, experienced board of trustees who are responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the charity.

Trusteeships are unpaid voluntary roles that are non-executive, meaning that they do not carry out the day-to-day work of the charity. They meet four times a year to oversee, support and hold-to-account the CEO and Senior team.

Being carer-led is central to who we are and what we do, and we are specifically looking for carers or former carers to join our trustee board.

What will your role be?  

You will help develop the organisation’s aims, objectives and goals in accordance with the governing document, legal and regulatory guidelines.   In addition to this, in accordance with the principles of good governance, you will help ensure that the charity complies with charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.

You will achieve this by participating in quarterly board meetings, and you may also decide to take an interest in a particular area, for example fundraising, finance or wellbeing.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for Trustees with direct experience of caring for a family member or friend, but we are also interested in approaches from people with particular professional skills, such as in fundraising.  You don’t need previous trustee experience and training and mentoring can be provided.  You must have an enquiring mind, the ability to analyse information, use good judgment and a willingness to challenge constructively when necessary.

We are committed to building and maintaining a diverse board of trustees and we welcome applications from across the communities that we serve in Surrey.

What’s in it for you?

Quite simply, your involvement is invaluable in helping us effectively support carers within Surrey. You will make a difference in your local community as well as gaining experience working as part of an established, effective charity board.

Want to know more?  Please email us at [email protected]

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