

Information on our safeguarding processes

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults is at the core of our values.  We aim to create  a safe environment where young and adult carers can talk openly.

In our young carers service, any disclosures or where staff identify safeguarding concerns, will be supported through the Surrey County Council Children’s Single Point of Access (C-SPA) and/or Surrey’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health (EWMH) alliance by the Designated Safeguarding Lead for SYC.  We also have robust procedures in place to manage disclosures made by adults who use our services.

Action for Carers adopt a safer recruitment procedure and there is a thorough induction and shadowing process which includes the importance of safeguarding. All staff, volunteers and trustees are required to complete safeguarding training appropriate to the role.

Our Surrey Young service represents the third sector on the Surrey Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (SSCP). Moderators commented on the good range of policies available within our organisation, which is above and beyond what is expected. We were congratulated and the overall assessment of ACS was rated as GOOD.

If you  have any questions regarding safeguarding, or would like to report a specific concern to us, please email  [email protected].  Your email will be forwarded to our Designated Safeguarding Lead.

You can read our safeguarding children policy here.

Safeguarding Children Policy Procedures

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