News for you

A round up of the local - and national - news affecting carers


Identifying young carers early

A new survey from Young Carers National Voice, Barnardos and Caring Together wants to find out more about when young carers identified as young carers, and what support they got.

Young adult carers

Carers at breaking point feel ignored by Government

Research published by Carers Trust shows just how much at breaking point many of the UK's carers, under huge pressure, emotionally, practically and financially, with recommendations for change.

Adult carers

Hospital Discharge Research Results

An update on the results of your responses to our Hospital Discharge research, produced in partnership with HealthWatch Surrey. The findings show lots of challenges, but the recommendations are now with the NHS in Surrey and changes are being made.

Adult carers

Young carers survey - for Young Carers Action Day

In advance of Young Carers' Action Day, Carers Trust have a new survey to find out about the pressures and challenges facing young carers aged up to 25, including how they continue to be affected by coronavirus, and what support they need.

Parent carers

Energy bills advice and information

Many carers are struggling with energy bills this winter. A booklet from CAB and the Energy Saving Trust provides some really useful information outlinings all the ways you can better manage your bills and save money.

Adult carers
6 photos of a woman wild swimming in a novelty hat

Brave Jule takes on 100 Hats Outdoor Swim Challenge

Our brave supporter Jule is taking on an amazing challenge. She's tasked herself with doing 100 outdoor swims, each time in a different hat, in a very unusual, but fantastic fundraising challenge.

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