News for you

A round up of the local - and national - news affecting carers


How new COVID guidance affects carers

Limits on the number of people you can see socially have changed, limiting meetings indoors or out, to no more than six people. However, there are exemptions, including for caring situations and for charities,

Adult carers

Failure to adequately support young adult carers costs UK £1bn

Research into the lives of 7,000 young adult carers has demostreated that they are not being adequately supported nationally, costing the UK £1bn per annum. This comes from lost tax revenue, welfare benefits and health service costs.

Young adult carers
man with older lady in wheelchair

Carer needed for Carers Commissioning Partnership

The Carers Commissioning Partnership is a group which looks at how services can be commissioned to improve the lives of Surrey’s carers. Made up of commissioners, health and social care professionals and voluntary group representatives, they are seeking a carer to be a co-chair of the group. Could you be that person?

Adult carers
Exemption card for carers

Masks - when to wear, and what to do if exempt

Masks are now obligatory in many public places, including shops, banks and public transport. It's important to wear them to help stop the spread of COVID-19. However, some people can't wear them - find out more about exemptions and getting an exemption card.

Adult carers
Young Carers Survey Results July 2020

Survey shows steep decline in young carers' wellbeing

A thousand young, and young adult carers, including from Action for Carers, fed into this Carers Trust survey with the disturbing results released last week. They showed big increases in the time spent caring and a consequent rise in stress and a steep decline in mental health

Young adult carers

Book bundles for young carers

The University of Surrey's 'Widening Participation & Outreach team' have a scheme offering children in need, including young carers, 'Book Bundles' to help them access literature and continue reading while not in school.

Young carers
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