General Practitioners

General Practitioners

Surrey's GPs have a vital role to play in identifying, supporting and referring carers. Carers save the NHS a huge amount of money, but often struggle under great pressures affecting their mental and physical health.

Refer a carer

Why identify carers?

You meet many carers in your role. However, many don’t see themselves as carers and aren’t aware of all the help and support available.

Frequently their caring role starts because of a trauma, illness or emergency which then leads into a long term responsibility.

Juggling caring with work and other family commitments, carers can soon become overwhelmed and stressed. They typically neglect their own health and well-being if not supported, which can create a further burden on your surgery.

GPs in Surrey should refer carers using the Carers Prescription. More below.

Helping carers to make themselves known

When carers are identified early and properly supported, they are better able to continue in their caring roles.

It’s important that carers register as carers with their GP, so that they can access all the services they need.

To help with this, there are two Surrey NHS leaflets to be used in GP’s surgeries, which contain information for the carer, a form for them to complete and information for the practice. One for adult carers and one for under 18s.

GP Carer Registration Leaflet ADULT CARERS accessible version

GP Registration Leaflet ADULT CARERS

GP Registration Leaflet YOUNG CARERS

Remember – carers may:

  • be new to caring or have been caring for many years
  • not live with the person they care for
  • be a parent caring for children who are ill or have a disability
  • provide personal care, supervision or emotional support
  • be a patient of yours or may accompany one of your patients

Action for Carers can also help you by:

  • keeping your surgery informed and up to date on carers’ rights and issues
  • supporting your surgery in developing greater awareness of how best to respond to patients who are carers and to offer advice on carer-friendly services
  • being a resource for other health professionals

Referral via the Surrey GP Carer’s Prescription Scheme

What’s the GP Carer’s Prescription?

The GP Carer’s Prescription is a ‘one-stop shop’ – a secure online referral mechanism to a range of local carers’ services. The support can be provided directly to the carer, or to the person being cared for, to help the carer have a better balance between their caring role and their life outside caring.

Surrey GP Carer’s Prescription Portal

As a GP, you simply need to refer, using the on-line form, and the carer will be sent information and offered support.

GP Carer Break Scheme

Additionally, when GPs complete a Carer’s Prescription, the carer may be entitled to funding for a break, under the GP Carer Break scheme.

This is a one-off payment at the GP’s discretion, giving the carer household up to a maximum of £300 for a break.

Further information

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