The Carer's Prescription | Action for Carers
The Carer's Prescription

The Carer's Prescription

A single online referral to ensure carers in Surrey get all the support they need

What is the Carer’s Prescription?

The Carer’s Prescription is a secure online referral mechanism which allows doctors and other primary care health professionals to support carers they come into contact with by referring them to a range of support services available across Surrey. The support provided can be to the carer directly, or to the person being cared for.

The purpose is to help support the health and wellbeing of the carer and improve the balance between their caring roles and their life apart from caring.

There are two sites:

If you are a GP, please refer a carer via the Surrey GP Carer’s Prescription Portal

If you are any other kind of healthcare worker, please refer a carer via this Carer’s Prescription Portal

The following services are available through the Carer’s Prescription:

  • Carer’s information including the Surrey Digital Offer
  • All Action for Carers’ services – for adults, young carers, and young adult carers.
  • Carer’s Assessment – The assessment is an opportunity to discuss with a social care practitioner what support or services a carer needs. The assessment will look at how caring affects the carer’s life, including for example, physical, mental and emotional needs, and whether they are able or willing to carry on caring. This is a Surrey County Council service.
  • Crossroads Care Surrey provides a flexible home-based care service for carers looking after family or friends. This includes free unlimited service for those caring for a loved one with a life limiting illness during the last year of their life. A palliative care-trained Carer Support Worker will take over the caring role to give the carer regular breaks.
  • Alzheimer’s Society provides free support and advice for carers who care for people with dementia.

GP Carer Break Scheme

Additionally, when GPs complete a Carer’s Prescription, the carer may be entitled to a ‘GP Carer Break’. This is a one-off payment at the GP’s discretion, giving the carer household up to a maximum of £300 for a break. More about the Carer’s Break Scheme here.

The Surrey Carers’ Prescription scheme is hosted on behalf of the NHS by Surrey Independent Living Council (SILC).

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