Supporting carers who care for someone with poor mental health | Action for Carers
Mental Health Carers Team

Mental Health Carers Team

We have a specialist team that supports carers who are caring for someone with poor mental health. This team supports carers themselves, but also very much looks to support professionals working in Surrey in their identification and support of these carers.

Action for Carers Surrey has a team with a range of specialists all directly or indirectly supporting and advocating for carers who care for someone with mental health issues.

The team comprises of a team leader, Katie Davey and five (full-time equivalent) roles, with different specialisms.

The overall aim for the team is to raise understanding of the challenges these carers face, how they can best be supported, and to help reinforce best practice for this particular group of carers in Surrey’s NHS and social care services.

HOMEFirst Team

Working with the HOMEFirst team, part of Surrey and Borders NHS, we have two roles, looking to identify and support those hard-to-reach carers, who are supporting people in real mental health difficulties, such as psychosis, likely in, or near, crisis point.

Whole Family Support

This role supports and advocates for family members who are looking after people with mental health conditions. This includes young carers (under 18) in this situation. They engage with professionals to raise awareness.

Substance Abuse

A further role supports and advocates for carers who are looking after people who have a history of substance misuse.

Carer Practice Partners

These roles work alongside colleagues within the Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust to embed carer-friendly practice in their services, and help staff better identify, understand and support this group of carers.

They offer training and engagement activities and provide bespoke advice and support.


We have several referral pathways to make support easily accessible.

Once referred, carers will be identified as being a carer for someone who has mental health issues on triage and will be contacted by the team and offered support as appropriate.


Carers who wish to register themselves with Action for Carers can do so by contacting our helpline 0303 040 1234 or by completing our online form

Professional Referrals

As a professional, you can also refer a carer, via our professional referral form.

Carers Prescriptions

If you are a GP in Surrey, please complete the GP Carers Prescription

If you are a Surrey Health Professional (not a GP) please complete a Carers Prescription

Contacting the team

To contact the team email [email protected] or contact our helpline 0303 040 1234 or email  [email protected]

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