Referring people to Action for Carers

Referring people to Action for Carers

We are grateful to professionals for referring their clients and other carers they encounter to Action for Carers Surrey. Details on referral below.

Referral form

Thank you for referring carers for support.

Links to referral forms for adult carers and young carers are below.

These are for use by all people working with carers, except GPs and those working in other areas of health, who should use the NHS/SCC Carer’s Prescription: GPs use this version, and all other Surrey health care professionals should please use this version.

(Carers can also register themselves. Those 18 and above use our register with Action for Carers form. Parents/guardians of young carers (under 18) can use the form given below.)

To refer an adult carer (18 and above)

Please use this form:
NB this referral covers all of Action for Carers’ support for adults (we will refer on to the specific teams/internal services, eg our Moving & Handling team).

Referral form for an adult carer

See our Guidance on referring a young adult carer (aged 18-24).

To refer a young carer (under 18)

See our Guidance on referring a young person (under 18) to the SYC service

To refer, please use this form
(NB the Word version will not open on some i-phones, but will on all desktops):

Referral form for young carers (under 18) word document

Referral form for young carers (under 18) PDF


To refer to Moving and Handling services

Please use our (Action for Carers) standard referral form, which includes a section on Moving and Handling needs.

Refer an adult carer to Action for Carers Surrey

Please use this form to refer an adult carer to our services.

Referral form
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