Resources for professionals | Action for Carers
Professional resources

Professional resources

These resources are aimed at health, social care and education professionals, to assist them in their identifcation, understanding and support of unpaid carers.

Publications and resources

This page shows materials targeted at professionals. We additionally have a wide range of materials aimed at carers of all ages, including leaflets, posters and newsletters. Click the button below for the carer-facing resources, scroll down for professional-facing resources.

Carer Resources

We have printed stocks of the carer-facing posters and leaflets, which we are happy to share, where possible. Please email [email protected] to request copies, quoting the code number. The below professional resources are all avaialable to dowload free.

The Carer’s Prescription and Carers’ Breaks

Online form to register a carer under the Carer Prescription Scheme

GP Carers Prescription Guidance Notes

Carers Prescription GDPR update video

Other health care professionals – to refer a carer with the Carer’s prescription Scheme use this form. And see this guide for working with carers: Working with Carers – Guidance for Health Care Professionals

Carer registration

Here are the two Surrey leaflets for GPs to encourage carer registration:

GP Carer Registration Leaflet ADULT CARERS accessible version

GP Registration Leaflet ADULT CARERS

GP Registration Leaflet YOUNG CARERS

About supporting carers

Supporting Carers – an action guide for GPs and teams from the Carers Trust

GP Carers Well-being Tool

About our Mental Health Carers team

We have leaflets available as follows. Please download the PDF, share the link, or call our Admin team to order copies (0303 040 1234.)

For schools and colleges

Young carers can be found in every school class, and at colleges and universities. These young people often need extra support to ensure they can reach their full potential. Our resources can support you to identify and help those young people.

Angel Award Scheme

Our Angel Award scheme is for Surrey schools. The scheme encourages and supports schools to achieve 8 key standards, showing best practice in supporting young carers. Successful schools then become 'Angel Award accredited'. Search 'Angel Award' on this site to find out more.

Tutor Pack

We have an educational pack for use in colleges. ‘Supporting Young Adult Carers in College’ is an off-the-shelf pack, designed to allow Tutors to deliver an hour’s tutorial. The lesson plan sets out objectives, with topics including ‘what is a carer’, ‘how lives are affected’ and ‘what support is available’.

For GPs

We have posters, leaflets and information for GP surgeries in Surrey.

Young Carers Registration Form GPs

This leaflet with form, helps young people identify that they are carers, with a simple form to complete to hand in to the practice to confirm their caring role.

Other information for professionals working with carers

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