The Angel Award | Action for Carers
The Angel Award

The Angel Award

Working with Surrey's schools to help them in their support of young carers.

Helping Surrey’s schools be ‘young-carer friendly’

The Angel Award scheme was developed by young carers to help caring pupils be recognised and supported at school.

Our Award is made to schools that demonstrate they are ‘young-carer friendly’. Schools have to meet eight standards, checked by our staff and young carers, including having a carers’ champion, a carers support group, training for staff, and assemblies about young carers to help all pupils understand the issues the young carers face,  as well as support pupils to self-identify and find the help they need.

How the Award helps your school

  • It recognises your school’s good practice
  • It demonstrates your school is meeting the needs of this vulnerable group, as specially mentioned in Ofsted’s Inspection Framework
  • It’s broken down into eight achievable standards
  • It helps the pupils who are young carers achieve more

Want to find out more?

schoolchildren and staff giving thumbs up for an award


To find out how your school can achieve the Angel Award, give our team a call on 01483 568 269 or email us [email protected]

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