Training for people working with unpaid carers

Training for people working with unpaid carers

Whether you work in education, health, social care or the voluntary sector, it’s vital that you are Care Act compliant, and up-to-date with new thinking and best practice in working with, and supporting, carers.

Action for Carers’ training

Action for Carers run free courses for professionals to better understand how to identify, support and refer carers.

Carer-aware-training-badgeThey are open to any professional in Surrey who is involved directly or indirectly with any form of service, support or intervention to ensure good practice in working with clients and families.

This includes education, health and social care professionals. (But please note we also offer short training sessions specifically on identifying and supporting young carers in school, please see more below.)

We have been running these courses for over 20 years, providing a thought-provoking insight into the difficulties unpaid family carers face in looking after an elderly, disabled, or unwell relative or friend.

Under pressure

Although The Care Act 2014 put in place stronger duties on both local and health authorities to support carers, latest research reveals there is still some way to go in ensuring carers are recognised and get the support they need. Carers remain under huge pressure, with their physical, and mental wellbeing affected, as well as caring having significant practical and financial implications.

Whether you work in education, health, social care or the voluntary sector, it is vital you are Care Act-compliant, and up-to-date with the latest best practice in working with carers.

Quality of presentations high and well thought out workshops.

Professional participant

Upcoming dates

Our main ‘Because Carers Count’ course runs monthly, usually via Zoom.

Upcoming sessions are:

Zoom, Tuesday 13th August, 9.30-11.30am

Zoom, Wednesday 25th September, 9.30-11.30am

Zoom, Tuesday 15th October, 9.30-11.30am

Zoom, Thursday 14th November, 9.30-11.30am

Zoom, Wednesday 11th December, 9.30-11.30am

To book, please email [email protected].

Please note we can also provide tailored training on request, for example for GP Practice staff.

Course content

Our training includes the following content, and covers carers of all ages (5+):

  • insight into carers’ lives, their need for equality of opportunity and support
  • latest facts and figures about carers and the impact of caring
  • first-hand accounts from carers about the difficulties they face and how they would like to be supported
  • an understanding of how to establish effective relationships with carers and an appreciation of their viewpoint
  • The importance of taking a ‘whole family’ approach
  • The impact of caring upon young carers and its effect on their life chances
  • The legal rights carers in relation to The Care Act and Children & Families Act
  • The role of the NHS and other key stakeholders in supporting adult and young carers including relevant local policies and toolkits including social prescribing
  • Best practice in developing personalised support for carers and families at all stages of their journey.
  • Details of the services available for carers in Surrey

A really useful, informative, thought provoking and emotional day.

Professional participant

Additional E-learning

Surrey County Council

Surrey County Council, working with Action for Carers, additionally have two e-learning courses, aimed at raising awareness for anyone working with carers.

Carers Aware and Young Carers Aware provide a first look at some of the issues carers face, with facts about their role and rights. If you are a social care professional working in Surrey you can access the course via your workplace intranet.

Other professionals can access them here.

Surrey Skills Academy

This is a ‘single point of information’ for access to a wide range of training and learning opportunities including courses, information and signposting to partner and other organisations. You can find more information at the Surrey Skills Academy website.

For schools

For those working with young people, our Surrey Young Carers team have a wealth of knowledge and experience and can deliver training to schools and other organisations on young carers’ issues.

We have regular workshops for school staff to help them identify and support young carers. Find out more here.

Training for school staff

Contact 01483 568269 or email us at [email protected] to find out more.

You can also find out more about the support we offer to schools here.

For colleges and universities

We work with colleges and universities to support students who are carers. Additionally, we present to key groups, including medical and nursing students, about the role of the carer at the University of Surrey. Please get in touch to find out more.

Refer a carer to us

If you work with carers you can easily refer them to our services with this straightforward form.

Refer a carer
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