Money matters | Action for Carers
Money Matters

Money Matters

Every year more than two million people become carers. Unfortunately caring can affect your finances.

Alongside the personal costs of ill-health, for many families, disability and caring pushes them into debt and hardship, and many carers have to give up work or reduce their hours.

Two in five carers in a recent Carers UK survey said they were struggling to make ends meet, and nearly half have had to cut back on essentials like food and heating.

However, there is help available. We can talk to you about your financial situation, and run through the benefits and payments you may be entitled to – you should also download the Benefits for Carers guide, below. There are also reductions and support for some carers with things like prescription charges and council tax.

Benefits guide for Surrey carers

Surrey Welfare Rights Unit produce an excellent annual guide ‘Benefits for Carers’ with all the latest figures.

It explains clearly the benefits available and the information should help you obtain your maximum welfare benefit entitlements.

Benefits for Carers

Help with energy bills if you’re caring for someone with a terminal illness

Marie Curie have lots of excellent advice and guidance on the support available if you’re caring for someone with a terminal illness.

Marie Curie Money Advice

Continuing healthcare

If your main need for care is because of your health you may be eligible for NHS “continuing healthcare” (CHC) funded support. This webpage from Surrey County Council explains ‘continuing healthcare’ support, and how to apply. If you’d like more information, get in touch with our Helpline on 0303 040 1234.

Don’t lose out

It’s important that you find out about and get all the help you are entitled to. It can really help and improve your caring situation. It is estimated that millions of carers’ benefits aren’t claimed each year. Don’t let that be you. Let us help you find the support you need.

The main benefit for carers is Carer’s Allowance. Read more here.

Find out more about Carer’s Allowance

Thank you so much for your help. We have been granted the higher rate attendance allowance for both of my parents, backdated to March when we applied. This is the best outcome we could have hoped for.

Carer, Surrey
Looking after someone else’s affairs

If you’re responsible for someone else’s money, or think you might have to be in the future, find out more about the legal aspects here.

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