Practical tasks and concerns | Action for Carers
Practical tasks

Practical tasks

Practical tasks and physical issues to watch out for as a carer

Practical tasks

If you support the person you look for physically – helping them move – our Moving and Handling team can help ensure you do this safely and well.

Moving and Handling support

Surrey County Council

SCC’s Adult Social Care team have helpful information on its staying independent section. This includes:

Falls prevention

NHS Surrey Heartlands has a helpful video – for the person you care for or yourself – about what to do if you have a fall.

Falls prevention video

Utilities: Priority Services Register

It’s vital at all times, but winter in particular, to keep your utilities going in the event of a problem with your gas, electricity or water supply.

The Priority Services Register can help you do this. If you or someone you know is vulnerable, requires additional assistance or has additional communication needs then you can sign up to the Priority Services Register by contacting your utility providers. It is free and can help you or a loved one to stay safe, warm and independent in their own home.

As well as help in an emergency, there are other benefits to being on a Priority Services Register including advance notice of planned power cuts or interruptions to water supply, help with accessing prepayment meters, receiving bills in an alternative format and more.

People who may qualify for this service:

  • are of pensionable age
  • are disabled or chronically sick
  • have a long-term medical condition
  • have a hearing or visual impairment or additional communication needs
  • are in a vulnerable situation
  • have young children under the age of five years old

To find out more about priority registers, you’ll need to contact each of your utility providers – their contact details will be on your bills.

A Practical Guide to Caring (NHS)

This guide Stop Look Care – A Practical Guide to Caring from NHS Surrey Heartlands, is for paid carers. It outlines many of the tasks and responsibilities paid carers undertake, as well as health matters to consider and physical problems to watch out for – coded green, amber or red, depending on seriousness. A host of topics are covered, including nutrition, continence, medication, preventing falls, skin care, etc.

As a family/friend carer you may find it informative and helpful, but note it is for paid carers. There are tasks and processes listed, that are not your responsibility as unpaid carers. For example. there is no expectation that you carry out processes such as catheter care, unless this is something you want to do, feel able to do, and have been trained to do.

This guide can be used as a reference guide for families and carers to promote awareness of certain needs and encourage a referral, if concerns are identified. Care workers/carers are in the ideal position to identify changes in a person’s condition by monitoring them and/or recognising any deterioration in a person’s wellbeing.

See the Stop Look Care Guide here


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