Other carer support charities | Action for Carers
Other carer support charities

Other carer support charities

If you live outside Surrey, take a look at our listing of neighbouring counties' carer charities, as well as national carer charities.

Other charities supporting carers

We are happy to be supporting carers in Surrey.

There are other organisations that can help you, in Surrey, in other counties, and nationally.

Take a look below.

In Surrey

Crosssroads Care Surrey logo

Crossroads Care Surrey is a charity specialising in offering carers replacement care from trained staff, in order to give you a break, including support if you are looking after someone at the end of their life. They aim to offer a range of care for long or short periods (from 2 hours upwards) at an affordable cost, regularly or as a one-off and offer a limited amount of funded care for those who qualify.

  • They also run a variety of social clubs for adults with disabilities (including dementia), allowing carers to have a break and the person they care for to enjoy themselves in a safe and welcoming setting.
  • If you’re looking after a child, they also run a Saturday club in Walton for children with disabilities.

For more information, visit Crossroads Care Surrey. To arrange an assessment call them on 01372 869970 or email [email protected]

Neighbouring counties

Although we can offer you advice and information, we can’t register you as a carer unless you live in Surrey. (The person you care for doesn’t have to live in Surrey though.)

Here are the carers support organisations in Surrey’s neighbouring counties. Please email [email protected] if your organisation is missing from this list.


Brent Gateway Carer Support Service

Brent Gateway Carers Support Service is for Brent residents who have any type of caring responsibility, anyone can refer to them using the phone number or email address. Support for adult carers includes: information, advice, outreach, support with Assessments, support groups, activities, training and more. For young carers (aged 8-18) they also provide information, groups, training, activities, trips and events.


[email protected]

020 3948 0600

Croydon Carers


0208 688 7219

Croydon Carers Information Service


[email protected]

020 8649 9339 – option 1

Kingston Carers


020 3031 2757

Richmond Carers


[email protected]

020 8867 2380

Sutton Carers Centre


[email protected]

020 8296 5611

Carers Trust Hillingdon


[email protected]

01895 811206

London Borough of Hounslow


[email protected]

020 8583 2000


Reading and West Berkshire Carers


[email protected]

0118 324 7333



[email protected]

01344 266 088


Carers Together


[email protected]

01794 519495

Princess Royal Trust for Carers Hampshire


[email protected]

01264 835246


Carers First (Kent and Medway)


[email protected]

0300 303 1555

Carers Support East Kent


[email protected]

01304 364637

Crossroads Care Kent


[email protected]

01622 817114

East Sussex

Association of Carers


[email protected]

01424 722309

Care for the Carers


[email protected]

01323 738390

West Sussex

Carers Support West Sussex


[email protected]

0300 028 8888

National support

Carers Trust

Work to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring


[email protected]

0300 772 9600

Carers UK

Provide the UK’s carers with advice, information and support, and campaign and innovate to find better ways to reach and support carers.


[email protected]

020 7378 4999

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