Say yes to Question 24 in the Census

Say yes to Question 24
The Census 2021 takes place this Sunday, 21st March. It has a specific (expanded) question, asking if you are a carer and how many hours you provide care for.
Question 24 asks: “Do you look after, or give help or support to, anyone because they have long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems related to old age?”
It’s vital that all carers say yes to this question, and specify how much care they provide, to ensure that government and local authorities know the true number of carers, and can provide support and services accordingly.
Get active
Carers UK is encouraging all carers to respond, and remind other carers they know of the importance of the question, with a campaign #CountCarersIn
Amongst other things they suggest you share something like this on your social media channels, to remind and encourage other carers to also say yes:
I will be identifying as an unpaid carer when I complete #Census2021 on 21 March, by ticking yes to question 24! If you look after someone but do not get paid for it, make sure you identify as a carer too! #CountCarersIn
You can also share these two great videos, to encourage other carers, produced by Sheffield University:
More on Carers UK’s website.