Fundraiser Jule marks ACS's 30th | Action for Carers

Superstar fundraiser Jule wears 30th Anniversary creation as her incredible outdoor swim challenge nears its end

Adult carers, Supporters, Young adult carers
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Super-star fundraiser marks ACS’s anniversary

A huge thank you, again, to our wonderful fundraiser and all round super-star Jule Harries.

Her One Hundred Hats Challenge – swimming out doors, each time in a different hat she’s created or sourced – continues, despite the recent bitter cold!

Her latest swim on the 15th of December was at near freezing!

30th Anniversary hat

And most excitingly, Jule swam early in December in a ’30th Anniversary’ Hat, to mark Action for Carers’ 30 years of supporting unpaid carers in Surrey.

Thank you Jule for sharing our anniversary news, and of course for continuing to do these incredible and creative swims!

Please support Jule!

Jule has only 15 more swims to go. Can you support her fundraising as she does this incredible challenge? Proceeds will go to our Young Carers service, as well as Alzheimer’s Research UK.

Support the 100 Hats Challenge

You can see all of Jule’s swims and fabulous hats on her Instagram page.

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