‘Managing Emotions’ Programme carer support programme from Surrey NHS | Action for Carers

‘Managing Emotions’ Programme - new NHS carer support course

Adult carers
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‘Managing Emotions’ Programme – support for carers

Surrey and Borders NHS have a short course to help carers who are looking after someone who finds it hard to manage their emotions – the ‘Managing Emotions’ Programme.

What does it cover?

It’s a psycho-educational course (not a therapy group) and it has been co-developed with people with lived experience of mental health difficulties. The course focuses on:

  • Supporting carers to learn and understand more about what emotional regulation and a personality disorder is and the impact it can have,
  • Learning more about self-harm and suicidal behaviours and how to deal with these behaviours in the most helpful way,
  • Learning about positive risk taking and boundary setting
  • Supporting carers to learn some helpful coping skills to support their own wellbeing and resilience.


There are four sessions, each lasting 2.5 hours, provided digitally (via Teams). There are two courses running.

  • Course 1 – Starts on Wednesday 2nd February with the following sessions on 9th, 16th and 23rd February 22. All sessions start at 10am and finish at 12.30pm.
  • Course 2 – Starts on Tuesday 8th March with the following sessions on 15th, 22nd and 29th March 22. All sessions start at 1.30pm and finish at 4pm.

It’s targeted at carers anywhere in Surrey, who are supporting an adult, specifically a person with emotional dysregulation difficulties or a personality disorder. (It’s less likely to be helpful for people supporting young children with other specific mental health needs.)

To refer

You can refer yourself. You can find out more about the course, and the find the self-referral form on the Surrey and Borders NHS website:

Carer Course

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