Happy Birthday Moving and Handling service!

Adult carers, Armed forces carers, Parent carers, Young adult carers
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This year, our specialist Moving and Handling service celebrates 25 years of supporting carers across all of Surrey with looking after their backs and learning how to move and handle the person they care for safely and correctly.

Over the 25 years the service has evolved from originally being called the Back Care service to how it is known today.

Moving and handling has developed significantly over this time frame in terms of how we move people and the range of equipment we have available to help us. Twenty-five years ago lifting people manually was still widely seen both in the community and in hospitals causing significant long term injuries and pain to those undertaking manual lifts.

Twenty-five years on, research and evidence has allowed for a wider range of equipment to be invented and rolled out, allowing for safer practices and less injuries across the health, social and community care sector.

Experts in care

Moving and Handling staff member wearing ACS uniformOur specialist team of moving and handling advisors have 62 years combined experience working with family carers in Surrey. We are from a range a health and social care back grounds including Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Nursing.

The team undertakes specialist moving and handling trainer update training every two years ensuring our skills and knowledge are kept up to date and in line with current and best practice.

We specialise in supporting family carers, especially those caring alone providing single-handed care, which often requires a different approach.

Need support?

If you are undertaking moving and handling as part of your caring role and would like support, advice and training from our specialist team please get in touch by either calling our Helpline on 0303 040 1234 and requesting moving and handling support or please refer yourself via our website.

More information about the sorts of situations we support with can be found here:

Find out more

If you would like to speak to someone from the team to discuss your caring situation further, Kay Taylor, the manager of the service is happy to get in touch with you. Once again, please call our Helpline (0303 040 1234) to request this or send an email to [email protected]

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