Young Carers Action Day 2022 | Action for Carers

Young Carers Action Day – taking action on isolation

Young adult carers, Young carers
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Young Carers Action Day – taking action on isolation

Young Carers Action Day (YCAD) is coming up soon, taking place on Wednesday 16th March.


Across the country, young carers, professionals, schools, and charities will be working to promote the lives and needs of young carers.

The focus this year is isolation, and how this can be improved. This includes things like access to breaks, free bus travel, or access to youth and sports clubs, which can all really help young carers.

It [the club] really helps; it gives me confidence. Some of the things, I never thought I could talk about with anyone, I thought I’d keep it secret to myself, I can talk about.

Rose, young carer, Surrey

Another key area is schools, where support like young carers clubs can make a real difference.

There are two eye-catching new posters to share, to help young carers self-identify, and make other pupils aware of the young carers in their midst.

Could  you put one up in your school?


Find out more

Find out all about Young Carers Action Day 22, what’s happening and how to get invovled.



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