Young carers (under 18) | Action for Carers
Young carers<br> (under 18)

Young carers
(under 18)

If you're a young carer looking after someone in the family, our Surrey Young Carers team is here to support you.

Surrey Young Carers

If you are a young person, and you help care for someone who has an illness, a disability, or is affected by mental ill-health or alcohol/substance misuse, we can help you. We support children from Year 1 upwards.

As soon as I joined Surrey Young Carers, things started to get easier. Finally, I met other people in the same boat as me, who I could talk through my experiences with, and I have a better social life too. It’s made such a difference.

Young carer, Surrey

We can provide support and opportunities to meet – and have fun with – other children and young people in similar positions. And we really understand how these extra responsibilities can affect your daily life, schoolwork and time for friends.

We support young carers all across Surrey and from every type of family. You might be looking after a brother or sister with autism, or a parent with a disability.

We provide a range of support depending on your situation, from activities to provide time out from your caring role and meet children in a similar position, to more intensive groups and tailored one-to-one help, for young carers in a more difficult situation.

My son came home so enthusiastic about the event. It’s such a relief for me to find us not talking any more about my illness, but about nice and good things that can happen to him.

Parent, Surrey

young carers playing pool

The offer

The level of support offered depends on your personal caring situation – some young people help out a little each week, others do a huge amount and can be in a very difficult situation. So our support does vary. However, all young carers registered with SYC:

  • will receive our regular newsletters
  • are invited to a ‘family fun day’ every year
  • can attend our ‘drop ins’ (youth clubs) that take place at venues across Surrey – like youth clubs, with activities like pool or crafts, but a chance to meet other young carers and simply enjoy some relaxed ‘time out’
  • can join our Young Carers Forum, to share views and help make positive changes to benefit all young carers
  • can receive transition support to smooth the move from primary to secondary school
  • and get support from our friendly, caring and helpful staff.

If at any point you’re experiencing particular difficulties, or are struggling in any way, you get in touch and let us know. We also ask you to get in touch if your situation changes.

young carers drop in

How to refer

If you’re a young carer, your parent, your teacher, or someone else who may support your family (eg your family doctor or a social worker) can refer you  to the Surrey Young Carers service (part of Action for Carers Surrey) and apply for our support. We will then assess your situation, to see if we can provide suitable help.

Referral for a young carer (under 18)

Get in touch

If you’d like to get in touch with us to find out more about the service and how it can help. Please call us on 01483 568 269, or email [email protected]

What helped me most was talking to others and realising that they’re just like me.

Young carer, Surrey
back view children walking on plankthree women in blue Surrey Young Carers uniform

Find out more about how SYC can help you

See more about the ways we can support young people looking after a loved one.

girls paddling

How SYC can help

Our dedicated Surrey Young Carers team support children under 18 with workshops, forums and time-out activities, helping them have a break from caring and enjoy just being kids.

young people with bowling ball

Aged 18-24?

18-24 year-olds have different challenges and needs as they move into adulthood and consider the future choices. Find out more about life as a young adult carer.

SYC referral

Refer a child or young person to Surrey Young Carers to apply for our support. Call us on 01483 568269 or email [email protected]

Click here for our SYC support application form

Young Carer stories

Read about the experiences of some of the young carers we have supported...

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