How we support young people | Action for Carers
How we support young people

How we support young people

Our dedicated Surrey Young Carers team support children under 18 with workshops, forums and time-out activities, helping them have a break from caring and enjoy just being kids.

Tailored support

At SYC, we know young carers in every kind of situation, and we make sure the support we offer suits the family’s circumstances.

That’s why we ask for a completed referral form detailing the situation and the young person’s role, so we can see how we can best help. Adults, guardians and professionals can complete our young carer referral form for a young person under 18.

We want to equip children with the knowledge, skills and confidence to just be a young person!

Our support system

Our service is needs-led, and the offer of support is based on information shared about the impact of caring on the child.

All events are split into age groups and school years, and tailored to the needs of each child. They will be invited to the events most suitable for them, which might be different from their siblings or friends.

This can be support of 1:1 sessions with a support coordinator, including a 12 session support plan for young carers with moderate needs. We also run on-line activities and drop-in youth club style sessions to meet others in similar situations and have fun outings.

If the caring role changes, children will be able to access the support that is needed and appropriate.

Get in touch

If you’d like to get in touch with us to find out more about the service and how it can help you, please call us on 01483 568 269, or email [email protected]

Everyone at SYC is so caring, and we all look out for each other. Being part of SYC is great, because I get to go on exciting trips knowing that I won’t be teased by other children, as they will probably be in a similar position to me.

Young carer, Surrey

More ways we can help

  • Time out — We will offer you a break from your caring role and meet other young carers in similar situations.
  • Have your say — Surrey Young Carers provides young carers with a chance to have their views heard. Some young carers join our forum, to share ideas, opinions and help us to make decisions that will influence both our services and support from other bodies and organisations.
  • We can be your voice at meetings relating to your caring role where you might find it hard to say how you feel.
  • Our staff  — Our staff can help by talking to your teachers and tutors to support you in school and college.

Just wanted to say ‘thank you’.  S had a blast this afternoon and absolutely loved it. I haven’t heard her laugh like that in a very long time

Parent of a young carer, Surreyfour women in blue ACS t-shirts


SYC referral

Refer a child or young person to Surrey Young Carers to apply for our support. Call us on 01483 568269 or email [email protected]

Click here for our SYC support application form
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